



1. Exact position of title block on drawing sheet is___________.

a) Left side bottom corner                          b) Right side upper corner

c) Right side bottom corner                        d) Left side Upper corner

Ans -c

2. What is the next size of 210 mm x 297 mm in drawing papers?

a) 148 mm x 210 mm                                 b) 297 mm x 420 mm

c) 420 mm x 594 mm                                 d) 105 mm x 148 mm

Ans  – b

3. The biggest sizes of drawing sheet is _____.

a) A0                                                           b) A1

c) A3                                                           d) A5

Ans – a


4. What is the untrimmed size of A3 Drawing sheet?

a) 625 x 880                                               b) 880 x 1230

c) 330 x 450                                               d) 240 x 330

Ans – c


5. The area of the biggest size (A0) is 1m2 and its breadth and length are in the ratio is____

a) 1: 2                                                         b) 1: Root 2

c) 3:2                                                          d) 4:1

Ans -b


6. The areas of the two successive sizes of drawing sheet are in the ratio ____

a) 1:5                                                          b) 1:4

c) 1:2                                                          d) 1:10

Ans -c

7. Which of the following is NOT main types of engineering drawing?

a) Mechanical engineering drawings          b) Electrical Engineering drawings

c) Air engineering drawings                        d) Civil Engineering drawings

Ans – c



8. What is the standard length and width of the arrowhead of dimension lines?

a) 2mm and 2mm                             b) 3mm and 1mm

c) 4mm and 2mm                              d) 3mm and 2mm

Ans : b


9. The axis of the cylinder or sphere is denoted by which of the following line?

a) Section line                                   b) Centre line

c) Hidden line                                    d) Leader line

Ans : b


10. Which of the following lines are used to show that the object is cut and then viewed?

a) Hidden lines                        b) Leader lines

c) Centre lines                         d) Hatching Lines

Ans : d



11. Which line is used for drawing visible outlines and visible edges?

a) Long-break line                   b) Dashed thick

c) Continuous thick line                    d) Chain thick

Ans :c


12. Continuous thin, line are used for _________.

a) Hidden outlines                   b) Cutting planes

c) Centre lines                         d) Dimension lines

Ans : d


13. Small bow compass can draw circles less than _____ mm radius.

a) 25mm                                  b) 30mm

c) 35mm                                  d) 40mm

Ans – a



14. Which of the following cannot be drawn accurately using roll-n-draw RULER?

a) Lines                                   b) Horizontal lines

c) Parallel lines                        d) Continuous curves

Ans – d

15. Which is the instrument used to draw parallel lines fast?

a) Set square                          b) Ruler scale

c) Protractor                            d) Roll-n-draw ruler

Ans – d


16. Using 30˚ – 60˚ – 90˚ and 45˚ – 45˚ – 90˚ set squares, which of the following angle is not possible to draw?

a) 45˚                                                          b) 30˚

c) 10˚                                                d) 90˚

Ans  – c


17. The angle which we can’t make using a single Set-square is ________

a) 45o                                               b) 60o

c) 30o                                                d) 75o

Ans – d


18. Which is the most common drawing tool used to draw circles?

a) French curve                                b) Mini – drafter

c) Divider                                          d) Compass

Ans  – d


19. Which of the following instrument can be used to draw accurate perpendicular lines, parallel lines and angular lines?

a) Mini – drafter                                b) T – square

c) Protractor                                      d) Set square

Ans  -a


20. Which of the following tools is used to draw horizontal lines?

a) Mini – drafter                                b) Protractor

c) T – square                                    d) French curve

Ans -c


21. The stock and the blade of the T-square are joined at ______ to each other.

a) 45o                                               b) 30o

c) 60o                                                d) 90o

Ans  -d


22. The part that doesn’t belong to T-square is __________

a) Working edge                               b) Blade

c) Stock                                             d) Ebony edge

Ans -d


23. The side opposite to right angle in Right angled triangle is called ____.

a) Adjusant side                                b) Hypotenuse

c) Opposite side                                d) Line

Ans : b


24. In a _____ opposite sides are equal and parallel. Opposite angles are also equal.

a) Rectangle                                     b) Square 

c) Parallelogram                               d) Circle

Ans : c


25. The distance from the centre to any point on the Circle is called the______.

a) Circumference                                        b) Radius

c) Diameter                                       d) Segment

Ans : b


26. Which of the following is not a Type of quadrilateral.

a) Rectangle                                     b) Square

c) Rhomboid / Parallelogram            d) Circle

Ans : d


27. In a square how many angles are at right angles.

a) 1                                                   b) 2

c) 3                                                    d) 4

Ans : d


28. If an angle which is less than 90° is called an ______

a) Right angle                                   b) Obtuse angle

c) Straight angle                               d) acute angle

Ans : d



29. If an angle which is more than 90° is called an ______.

a) Right angle                                   b) Obtuse angle

c) Straight angle                               d) Acute angle.

Ans : b


30. When the sum of the two adjacent angles is equal to 180o, are Called _________.

a) Supplementary angles                  b) Obtuse angle

c) Straight angle                               d) Acute angle.

Ans : a


31. Sum of the three angles in a triangle is (interior angles) equal to ________.

a) 180°                                              b) 90°

c) 360°                                              d) 120°

Ans : a


32. ______ is a triangle having all the three sides equal.

a) Isosceles triangle                          b) Scalene triangle

c) Equilateral triangle                        d) Right angled triangle

Ans : c