

All Courses

Arduino Based Robotics

MS Office Applications

  • Arduino-based robotics: Robotics projects that use Arduino microcontroller boards as the main control system. These projects usually involve programming the board to control various sensors, motors, and actuators, allowing the robot to perform specific tasks.

  • School-level robotics: Robotics projects designed for students at the school level to introduce them to the basics of robotics. These projects usually involve simple designs and programming, and may include building and controlling robots using LEGO Mindstorms or similar platforms.

  • Computer application (office): Training in computer applications commonly used in office environments, such as word processing, spreadsheet management, presentation software, and email management. These skills are important for administrative and clerical jobs, as well as for general office productivity.

  • Basic electronics project: Projects that introduce the fundamentals of electronics, such as circuits, voltage, current, and resistance. These projects can range from simple LED circuits to more complex systems involving sensors, microcontrollers, and communication protocols. They are useful for those interested in electronics or pursuing a career in electrical engineering.