

School Level Robotics

Lapidary Organize Workshop on Robotics for Class IX/X/XI/XII Students.

  • Robotics Awareness Camp: (RAC)
    • Time: 4 hours
    • Registration Fees: Rs-20/-
    • Participation Certificate will be given to all participants
  • Workshop on Robotics: (WOR)
    • Duration: 2 days
    • Registration Fees: Rs 100/-
    • Participation Certificate will be given to all participants
    • 1 Coordinator teacher will also be given Certificate of Participation
    • Best 3 Participants will be awarded.

Topic covered with following PPTs

  1.  Important Term Related to Arduino
  2. Robot and Arduino
  3. Components of line follower robot
  4. Simple Arduino Program
  5.  Arduino Programming for LINE  FOLLOWER